Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) for Hair

In Victorian times, gifting a hibiscus flower meant that the giver was acknowledging the receiver's delicate beauty, and we think that is still totally true! Hibiscus plant provides important ecological, aesthetic, culinary, and medical values, so why not treat yourself with aromas of hibiscus essences?

Hibiscus flower is the flower of Hindu goddess Kali

What is hibiscus?

The leaves of hibiscus are alternate, ovate to lanceolate, often with toothed or lobed margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five or more petals, color from white to pink, red, blue, orange, peach, yellow, or purple. They are special, different in shapes and sizes, just like you! Hibiscus flower possesses a magnificent citrusy-fresh essence.

Hibiscus are native to warm-temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions throughout the world. Hibiscus is a very hardy, versatile plant and in tropical conditions, it can enhance the beauty of any garden. Being versatile it adapts itself easily. It is used for many different things, at it contains vitamin C and other beneficial factors. From beauty regimes to practical uses in everything from the paper industry to food and medicine.

It is a symbol of beauty. In Hindu culture it is a flower of the goddess Kali, it was used as the most common offering to the same goddess. In Victorian times it was also used as a symbol of beauty. the giver was acknowledging the delicate beauty of the receiver. It is very popular in Hawaiian and Thai cultures and where ever you turn it is always connected to beauty, delicacy, and freshness.

Where does hibiscus come from?

Hibiscus flower is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising of serval hundred species that are native to warm temperatures, subtropical and tropical regions. It is a versatile flower so it can be found as a flower, a shrub, and a tree. The name is derived from the Greek name ibiskos.

It has fruit in a form of a dry five-lobed capsule, containing serval seeds in each lobe, which are released when the capsule splits open at maturity spreading the seeds in the surrounding. Hibiscus has been popular, it seems, always! As it was a part of Hindu culture, had its part in victorian times, and was commonly used in Hawaiian and Thai cultures over the ages.